The Art of Being Creative

20130402_164925Have you ever wondered what a writer does when he isn’t writing? Before I became one I never gave it a second thought. I just assumed they wrote books and found wonderful and exciting ways to spend all that money they were making—then I became one. It didn’t take me long to figure out I had better not quite my day job (that’s the one that pays the bills), at least not until I sold at least a million books.

So by day I pursue my passion for artistry in wood and by night I passionately weave stories of fiction that transport the reader to places they can only get to in books. Both find their starting place at the point of my imagination.

So there you have it—a little piece of who I am.

If you want to know more about me just ask. The answers are free . . . and who knows—you might find answers worth the questions.

For those of you who love beautiful things made of wood visit me on Pinterest.